Fact number 3:
At the Zoo, since the incident increasing that the lion is eating humans etc. or any miss happening, there is a very important thing to a save it from that. Important information your should know about zoo Glasses. Zoo glass etc. or the aggressive gorillas. The thing is this that whenever you make direct contact with any animal suppose, a lion is standing in front of you and you are making eye contact with the lion, it would be very interesting to try this sometime, no no no don't do it, what am I saying no no no Yes, I was saying that you will see that when he gets intimidated and become alert and he starts retreating, it is fine that you are not afraid of seeing him, but because of that he is becoming conscious. Just like you get eye contact with an animal, you also become completely conscious and that too becomes fully alert and conscious, so these glasses are given to you so that even if you look at the lion comfortable while wearing these, the lion will feel that you are there. If you like at it, in most of the cases it does not see you as a threat, hence the animals do not get intimidated by it, that is there is no thing is good of animal and also for human.
Fact number 2:
Many people post this. If they have a repeated dream or there is some entity which keeps appearing to them in repeated dreams, then the dream is a very mysterious topic in itself. Now suppose that 1 lakh people reading this post. out of that, there will be 50,000 people who dream regularly, that is, they known what it is like to dream, what kind of experience it is, it is stranger and there will by 50,00 people who do not remember any dream experiences. What is that dram like? so, it is not that you do not dream you do not remember that dream but if you try to observe it consciously, after waking up in the morning remember that night. what happen to you suddenly you will see the same dream entity repeated in dreams. paranormal investigators talk about this very crazy thing, that use a term called interdimensional soulmate. That is, there an entity from another dimension with you have a connections or future. It is said that just as in the Earth we have a connection with living beings, weather it is an animal or a human being. many people are connected to us with in the parallel in the world of the universe which is the interdimensional world. in the western world you must have heard about angles. people the believe that their belief is that angles protect the. In this world, the team interdimensional
soulmate when the same girl appears against and again in someone's dream or the same boy appears against and against in a girl's dream. This is a matter of paranormal investigators and parapsychologists and if we take about scientific research, then till now no explanation has been found in science as to how the same thing can come in dreams again and again.
Fact Number 1:
Just two day ago the news was that scientists have discovered the earth like plant i.e. A plant which is like the earth and whose temperature is around the same as the earth. The name of this plant is gliss 12b and it is being discussed in the entire scientists community. It is just 40 lights year away from the earth Now the matter come here. that whenever you have seen videos of space, any plant or star is talked about it is said that this is 1 lakh light years away, then is 1 million light years away, this is 20 lakh light light years away, then this comparison. This 40 light years are nothing, only 40 light years but this is a lot of Human. Now look, the plants which are 1 million or 10 lakh light years away it is impossible to reach there. It was take billions of the years for the spaceship to go but 40. Light year is a little realistic but it is not that mush. Do you know why? because to travel every 40light years, with the technology we have now, if we use all the technology and make the best spaceship with the highest speed, then it will take 60,000 years to reach there. and the nearest Earth-like plant is 60,000 years away from us or only 40 light years, which is nothing in the terms of the universe. people who are from the science field would be from the shocked to hear that the Earth-like planet is only 40 light years away.